Grow your business with conversational AI

Customer-first sales and marketing at scale

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  • Engage current and potential customers with proactive interactions at scale
  • Personalize and tailor interactions at each stage of the buying journey
  • Create stronger brand connections
  • Enable more effective and efficient lead generation

Intelligent Customer Engagement

Our V-Person and V-Studio allow businesses to be alongside customers at every stage of the buying cycle, providing them with personalized, relevant marketing activities and tailored sales information to assist them in their decision making. Businesses can follow up on more leads and create instant personal connections to drive their business growth.

Our V-Person chatbots, virtual assistants, voicebots and live chat are an efficient and effective way to increase sales without excessive costs. They are valuable team members of your sales and marketing functions.

57% of executives said that chatbots bring significant ROI with minimal effort.

Conversational AI can increase sales by 67% on average.

V-Person for Sales & Marketing

Adopts the brand personality and human voice

Capture information and provide automated responses

Identify purchasing trends

Book meetings and demonstrations, and cancel or amend if necessary

Follows up on abandoned carts

Comprehend customer preferences, and purchase histories

Assist customers to help themselves and share videos, images etc

Create & maintain customer relationships

Respond to questions and provide links to more detailed information

Collect customer information to qualify leads

Make personalized product recommendations

Request feedback, and make it simple for customers to applaud or complain

Re-engage cold or dead leads

Transfer to a sales person

Offer specific targeted deals of value to the customer

Book a demo to find out how we can help you boost business growth

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Boosting sales and deliver growth with V-Person and V-Studio

Improve customer service with speedy and helpful responses
Remove friction from the buying process
Deliver 24x7 customer service at scale
Automate repetitive, manual tasks
Gather rich customer insights for personalization and to identify sales leads