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Voicebot 2.0: The next generation

Human sounding, human caring, super-human intelligence

Experiences Made Better

Creating human relationships with conversational AI

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Our latest V-Person Technology

The next generation conversational AI platform that puts you in complete control of the AI

Creative Virtual makes every conversation count


For two decades Creative Virtual has been helping businesses leverage conversational AI to deliver better customer, employee and contact centre agent experiences.

Working with our clients we develop user-first conversational AI strategies

Our V-Person chatbots, virtual agents and contact centre agent solutions deliver human conversational experiences and our conversational AI platform (V-Studio) enables conversations to reflect a brand’s personality and to happen completely on the user’s terms.

No matter when, where or why the conversation is happening Creative Virtual makes it a great experience from start to finish.

Let's Talk

Conversational AI with the experts








  • Single platform for all tools and toolkits enabling seamless, personalised conversations anytime, any device, anywhere
  • Real time analytics and reporting
  • Unlimited customisation to ensure conversations reflect brand personality
  • Easy integration to internal business systems and third party applications
  • Highly secure with humans in ultimate control
  • Latest technology capabilities e.g. Generative AI, Large Language Models such as GPT


  • Chatbot, virtual agent, and live chat technology
  • Conversations in 43+ languages
  • Blend of human and AI for accuracy and brand approved conversations
  • Built-in security, authentication, and data compliance standards
  • Flexible integrations and unlimited customisations

43 Languages

>150 million conversations annually

Active in 25 Countries

Serving 12 Industries

The conversation is the experience

Delivering seamless, personalised digital support for your customers, employees, and contact centre agents with our powerful conversational AI platform (V-Studio) and V-Person makes business sense.

Build Relationships

Create Loyalty

Grow your business

Making experiences better

A Better Employee Experience

Employees expect their work experiences to be the same as they have in their social life.

Enabling employees to self-serve when and where they need greatly improves their work experience, reduces support costs and improves productivity and efficiencies.

Creative Virtual’s V-Person virtual agents and chatbots ensure that employees have easy, immediate, anytime access to personalised information.

Our V-Person solutions deliver better user experiences including:

  • IT Support
  • HR Support
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Employee Role Support

A Better Customer Experience

Customers expect access to information and support, and immediate resolution to their needs – anytime, anywhere and on their terms.

They must be able to engage with brands quickly and efficiently, get answers to their questions and troubleshoot issues whenever they want on their platform and application of choice.

With Creative Virtual’s V-Person, you can unlock your existing knowledge to power virtual agents and chatbots. Couple this with generative AI capabilities and ChatGPT and give your customers smart self-help options available anytime, anywhere.

V-Person is designed to be complementary to the system and processes you already have in place and enable you to provide an extremely personalised self-service experience.

Our V-Person can help customers by giving them the information they require, perform actions on their behalf (place an order, cancel an order, make a payment etc), and do this in the user’s language of choice.

A Better Contact Centre Agent Experience

Customer contact centres are an important tool for your customer experience strategy. They are an investment in your customers.

The effectiveness of a contact centre requires the right recruiting and training of staff to ensure the necessary tools are available for agents to meet the needs of customers.

With V-Person chatbot, virtual agent, and live chat solutions from Creative Virtual, you can provide agents with conversational AI solutions that give them an extra edge in providing customers with quick, personalised and appropriate service.

Whatever channel agents are delivering customer support on – phone, email, social media, SMS, messaging apps, live chat – Creative Virtual’s conversational AI platform enables them to quickly access the information they need. This improves the experience of the contact centre agents and empowers them to deliver better experiences to customers.

A Better Sales & Marketing Experience

Connecting with current and potential customers and meeting their information needs is critical to building loyalty and strong relationships.

Engaging current and potential customers with proactive interactions at scale, that are personalised, and tailored for each stage of the buying journey, enables more effective and efficient lead generation and creates a brand connection.

Our V-Person and V-Studio allow businesses to be alongside customers at every stage of the buying cycle, providing them with personalised, relevant marketing activities and tailored sales information to assist them in their decision making. Businesses can follow up on more leads and create instant personal connections to drive their business growth.

Contact us to find out how we can help you deliver better experiences

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Conversational AI delivering real business value

ROI in less than 12 months
Average contact deflection rates of 20-30%
Reductions of up to 80% in live chat sessions
Average handling time reductions of up to 40% in the contact centre
Guaranteed accuracy of 95%+
Better live agent experience
Reduced staff turnover
Lower support costs
Improved efficiency
Increased sales
Actionable user insights
Customised reporting

Brands around the world from multiple industries trust us with their most important conversations


Contact us to schedule a consultation

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Why brands choose Creative Virtual

Scalable and secure conversational AI with flexibility and predictability
Company culture built on innovation, teamwork and long term collaborations
A true partner that is a trusted extension of your team
Long record of creating award-winning chatbot, virtual agent and live chat solutions that users and companies love
Proven experience in many sectors including Financial Services, Telecommunications, ICT, Travel & Tourism; Hospitality, Retail, Public Sector, Utilities, Healthcare and Charities